Dr. Fiona Kelley

Wuxin Healing Arts Doctor of Oriental Medicine

2920 North Green Valley Pkwy, Suite 723.
Henderson, NV 89014


FAQ – Post Acupuncture Care

Please refrain from heavy exercise,  sexual activity and the consumption of alcohol or recreational drugs within 6  hours of treatment,  as they will interfere with its  effectiveness.  Please refrain from entering a shower,  Jacuzzi, sauna or pool for 6 hours after treatment.  Let it set like Jell-O.  In the next morning you can take a long hot shower.  Please rest after your session,  especially on your first few visits.  Acupuncture is an excellent adjunct therapy to massage or physical therapy.  If these treatments are on the same day as your acupuncture session,  please be sure all practitioners are aware of this so that treatments can be adjusted to enhance your therapy.